Sunday, April 10, 2011

Salamander Egg Masses in the Pool

This is vernal pool #1 and we are very successful in finding eggs. This was on Saturday, April 9, 2011. There at least 5 egg masses underwater in this photo.

The Adult Salamanders During Migration

This is a picture of an adult salamander during migration. The photo shows what a spotted salamander looks like. My dad and I went out on an evening hike in Wildcat to see if any salamanders were in any of the vernal pools we picked and we had luck! There were about 20 salamanders that we saw. We mostly saw their tails while they were hiding under leaves at the bottom of the pool.

In this photo, you can get an idea of what the texture is like on an adult salamander. This is the same salamander as the picture above.

These are spermataphores which the males lay.

Vernal Pool #1

I am taking notes at a very big vernal pool, which is off the trail in Wildcat conservation area in Boxford, MA  This is about 2 weeks before the salamanders came out. It was a very promising vernal pool because there were many fairy shrimp and had good depth.